Auckland Rugby is proud of its rugby community’s mahi to deliver positive participation growth this year.
Auckland Rugby has seen positive participation figures following courageous efforts and hard mahi from its Rugby Clubs and Secondary Schools.
Registered Senior Club players have increased 12%, with four new teams across senior men’s grades and a new senior club emerging within the province.
One of Auckland Rugby’s four key focus areas is ‘innovating and growing the community game’, and through a combination of marketing, on-ground delivery, innovative program delivery but most importantly a vibrant and dedicated group of people across our clubs and schools has driven this positive result.
Auckland Rugby has been working with its clubs on their off-field operations/management and development to ensure the clubs have more people growing the game. Auckland Rugby’s Club Manager Joe Blundell believes a key project implemented has paid dividends – a paid administrator is now appointed within every Auckland club, which has contributed to the growth within the Senior Club participation.
“This project is still within its infancy, and for many of our club’s having this incremental resource is a game changer as it will support them being a sustainable club that delivers meaningful rugby experiences both on and off the field for its community”.
Registered Secondary School Players that competed in XV’s competitions this season grew 3% to nearly 5,000 players. Auckland Rugby’s School Manager Jarrod Syman praised the work of his team and school rugby programs for the positive figures.
“It is positive to see Secondary School participation numbers in XV’s competitions grow following some challenging years for the schools. A special mention must go to our school programs for driving the retention of these players through their schooling years.”
Auckland Rugby CEO Jarrod Bear acknowledges the hard work the rugby community has put in to increase playing and coaching participation numbers.
“With the support of our Participation Development team, there are great people within our clubs and schools who have such resilience, determination, and passion for their communities, and it's their mahi that has generated this positive participation result.
“To experience participation growth in the same year we are celebrating 100 years of the Gallaher Shield illustrates that we are committed to having a crack at new ways to build better programmes, resources, competitions and development opportunities for participants to enjoy rugby.”
Blundell and Syman both reiterated the importance of developing personnel within clubs and schools for the longevity of the community game.
“Whilst we are advancing, it is imperative that we continue to provide our community with the tools and resources they need to ensure we have a network of thriving community clubs and schools” says Blundell.
Level 6 North Stand, Gate B, Walters Rd, Eden Park, Mount Eden, 1024 | PO Box 56-152, Dominion Road, Auckland 1446 |
info@aucklandrugby.co.nz | 09 815 4850