Joylab Volunteer of the Month - July

Ana Kireka (far left) is the Joylab Volunteer of the Month

Congratulations to Ana Kireka (pictured) from Pakuranga on winning the Volunteer of the Month for her ongoing work and dedication with her local club.

Ana was nominated this month for her outstanding contribution as the Under 5 Grade Coordinator and Manager of the Under 11 side to tour Sydney later on in the year.

Ana has three young boys already playing rugby at Pakuranga and manages to balance her busy family life and working fulltime with volunteering her services and skills to the club in varying roles.

No problem is too big or small for Ana and she will regularly go out of her way to help by utilising her contacts to source uniforms for those who can’t afford, hunt out fundraising activities for those in need and selflessly give up her time to work behind a BBQ, sell raffles or sort out the tour boys.


Also, a big congratulations to our other finalists for the month:




Natalia Solomon


Mt Wellington


Under 8 Coach, Bartender, Junior Support, Dedicated Mum

Why she's awesome: 

Natalia has shown great passion and support to rugby and Mt Wellington in the three years of being there.

She is a mother of six, three of her boys play in three different teams and caters to them all, whilst having two under two-year olds at home.

Natalia has successfully moved from managing to coaching the Under 8 Capped team this season. She also recently became a valued member of the bar staff and works tirelessly for our Juniors - organising events, bringing in players and attending as many courses available to her.





Demetrius Savai'inaea


East Tamaki


Junior Delegate

Why he's awesome: 

Demetrius always puts the needs of the club and the families connected to the club first.

He keeps everyone up-to-date and always ensures the families have a say. Demetrius is an advocate for the children and makes sure that the club remains family focused by knowing each child’s name and taking an interest in where they are at regarding their progress.

He individualises each child and their needs, and ensures coaches are meeting the needs of each child accordingly, all while coaching his own team.


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